
REF: 287104

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Steindrage the stone dragon, a freak evolution that only a land like Khurland could birth. No matter what weapon you use or how rapidly you fire it, all your shots will ricochet off the scales of this titanic reptile. When you face its terrible wrath, there is little chance you will survive.

Pray to the mining gods that you don’t come across any of the creatures or Megabeasts amongst the terrain of Khurland.

Unlike the Stoormworm, the Steindrage has Outer Deployment and Movement. This means that it can only be placed around the outside of the Tiles, or in a Tileless Hexagon that is surrounded by a maximum of four tiles.

So, don’t be surprised to see it flying in circles over the miners before it drops down to devour them whole or spit acid on nearby settlements! 

The breath of the Steindrage is lethal, corrosive, and inescapable. Those miners brave enough to face this winged titan run the risk of getting sprayed with corrosive acid and suffering a horrible death. While affected by the new Corrosive state, miners lose a point of their Wounds attribute at the end of the round.

If that's not enough, this corrosive agent is persistent. It can affect the terrain and complicate the miner's movement even if they have avoided being coated by the corrosive sputum of this dangerous MegaBeast.

What do you get when you buy Steindrage?

A box containing:
  • The miniatures in this product are made of plastic.

More Information
  • This product is not a toy.  Not intended for use of persons 14 years of age or younger.
  • Actual components may vary from those shown.
  • Product created by Corvus Belli